Who Are The Largest Advocates for Arts Grants?

Here are some key resources and websites for local arts foundations and organizations across the United States:

1. **Americans for the Arts**: This organization supports over 4,500 Local Arts Agencies (LAAs) across the country, promoting and developing the arts at the local level. Their website offers a variety of resources and information about local arts agencies and their programs.

   – Website: [Americans for the Arts](https://www.americansforthearts.org)

2. **National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)**: The NEA provides a comprehensive list of state and regional arts organizations, which includes contact information and links to individual state arts agencies. These organizations support local arts initiatives and funding.

   – Website: [NEA State and Regional Arts Organizations](https://www.arts.gov)

3. **US Regional Arts Organizations (RAOs)**: This collective includes six regional organizations that support arts and culture across different parts of the United States. They facilitate funding, programs, and services to local arts organizations.

   – Arts Midwest: [Arts Midwest](https://www.artsmidwest.org)

   – Mid-America Arts Alliance: [Mid-America Arts Alliance](https://www.maaa.org)

   – Mid Atlantic Arts: [Mid Atlantic Arts](https://www.midatlanticarts.org)

   – New England Foundation for the Arts: [NEFA](https://www.nefa.org)

   – South Arts: [South Arts](https://www.southarts.org)

   – Western States Arts Federation: [WESTAF](https://www.westaf.org)

4. **Grantmakers in the Arts**: This national association includes a variety of public and private arts funders across the U.S., providing funding resources and support for arts organizations.

   – Website: [Grantmakers in the Arts](https://www.giarts.org)

These resources can help you connect with local arts foundations and organizations, providing support, funding opportunities, and community engagement in the arts.